While the article refers to these studies as scientific breakthroughs, I found most
of them confirmed what most of already know from working with students.
The studies focus on an array of topics:
- How adults
constantly checking their phones during family time impacts their
children’s behavior in a negative way
- How
delaying gratification and embracing struggle have become more
mainstream—with positive results for kids
- How
corporal punishment has many long-term negative effects
- How to
reduce racial bias in young children (the most interesting study to me)
- How first
borns succeed in school and life
As you’ll read, the article is geared more for parents, yet
the conclusions of the studies have implications for us in the classroom and
how we teach children.
As busy as 2017 was for parents, it may have been busier
still for the development psychologists, biologists, neurologists, and
family-focused sociologists researching how children become functional adults —
or why they don’t.
The last year saw the publication of an outsized number of
game-changing studies that might, over time, alter the way that parents go
about parenting.
Do scientists know for certain how to raise the best
possible person and how to track that person’s progress from the crib to the
board room? No, but they know a great deal more than they did a year ago and,
thanks to their diligent work, parents know more too and can make better
informed decisions.
Here are the scientific breakthroughs from 2017 most likely
to inform parenting decisions for the next decade — or at least until the next
breakthrough comes along.
Parents Trigger Bad
Behavior By Looking at Their Phones
- Why it
matters: There’s a growing body of research that shows that
smartphones are not the smartest thing for adults and kids to stare at,
but the study specifically links parents phone attention to
children’s bad behavior. Working with 200 families, the researchers were
able to demonstrate that when parents interrupt family time by checking
their emails or texting, kids become more likely to exhibit
oversensitivity, hot tempers, hyperactivity, and whining.
- What it
means for parents: On some level, it seems that kids compete with
phones for attention by acting out. Given that fact, it’s easy enough for
parents to save both themselves and their kids some stress by checking the
phone in a different room or turning it off at the dinner table.
Kids Are Getting
Better at Delaying Gratification
- Why
it matters: The Marshmallow experiment was first developed
in 1972 at Stanford University and showed if kids could delay
gratification (i.e. eating a marshmallow) for 15 minutes with an incentive
(more marshmallows) they would go on to lead more successful lives. Since
then, the results have been duplicated over 30 times. This year a review
of this literature found that kids are actually getting better at the
marshmallow test, giving hope for a new generation of successful adults
with awesome impulse control.
- What
it means for parents: The idea that “kids will be kids” informs a
lot of parental decision making, but it’s actually not totally true across
time and generations. Kids will be kids, but that doesn’t mean that
they’ll be kids in the same way as their parents were.
Letting Kids Wallow
In Failure Might Actually Help
- Why
it matters: Parents’ understandable impulse not to let their kids
dwell on their mistakes or feel awful about their myriad failures may
actually prevent kids from improving as much as they otherwise would. An
Ohio State research team found that when people focused on failure,
particularly how bad it felt, they were less likely to repeat the same
mistakes. This lends some credence to the idea that you can frontload
stress and be better of for it.
- What
it means for parents: Feelings of failure may actually be an
adaptive tool and shielding kids from those feelings might limit their
potential to succeed. Don’t rub it in when kids make a mistake, but don’t
minimize it either. And lead by example: Don’t hide disappointments.
Spanked Kids Grow Up
To Be Violent Husbands and Wives
- Why
it matters: There’s already ample evidence that when kids are
subjected to corporal punishment they’re more likely to display violent
and aggressive behavior later in life, but this is the first study to
link childhood spanking to abusive relationships. Intimate partner
violence accounts for approximately 15 percent of violent crime, but
this study suggests some of that could be stopped with different
disciplinary methods.
- What
it means for parents: No matter how tired, frustrated, and tested
by your kid you may be, there’s never a good reason to spank your kid.
It’s bad for them and it’s bad for people they’re going to interact with
throughout their lives.
It’s Possible to
Teach Kids Not To Be Racist
- Why
it matters: The study of nearly 100 Chinese children
demonstrated that teaching kids how to differentiate between different
African American faces at age five reducing racial biases. The results
suggest that when kids learn that people of a different race aren’t all
the same, they’re less prone to make other generalizations about groups of
- What
it means for parents: While racism may seem like a complex topic
for 5-year-olds, teaching them how to tell individuals of a different race
apart isn’t complicated at all and may inoculate them against later
bigotry. Learning how to tell individual things with similarities apart is
an important cognitive process for kids. Surrounding them with a diversity
of characters as they learn may help them avoid becoming bigots.
First-Born Children
Have Some Massive Advantages
- Why
it matters: The study, which only looked at Swedish boys,
found that first-born children were 30 percent more likely to become
managers and take on leadership positions than children born at a
different spot in the birth order. The researchers concluded that this
likely has something to do with firstborns receiving encouragement that
makes them more likely to stay in school and do their homework. Having
higher IQs also helps.
- What
it means for parents: It’s OK to recognize that your oldest may
be more predisposed to academics and leadership. You’re not playing
favorites and their siblings will have different individual strengths to
play to.
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