Friday, October 20, 2017

Dads and Daughters

This week’s article summary is How Dads Treat Their Daughters Differently Than Sons.

At a recent Dialogue with Dads, I shared the findings from this article and asked the dads if they felt they treated their sons and daughters differently.

According to the article, fathers tend to use more analytical, expressive language and share more openly about feelings and emotions with daughters while using more competitive language and communicating via physical activities with their sons.

Subsequent research will shed light on whether this is a conscious decision or more subconscious.

Not surprisingly, the fathers in Dialogue for Dads said they try to treat their kids in similar fashion regardless of gender, and while I believe them, my guess is they probably still succumb to what the research reveals.

My most vivid childhood memories with my dad involve sports—shooting hoops in our driveway, practicing pitching in the backyard, talking about the pro sports teams we rooted for. My dad was supportive of everything I did, yet our bonding experiences revolved around sports. And when I became a dad to two boys, I did the same types of physical, athletic stuff with them as my dad did with me.

Now that I have a granddaughter, I am pledging to be cognizant of avoiding gender stereotyping; I certainly don’t want her or anyone for that matter to feel limited in what they can do based on societal gender standards.  My first gift to her was a mini NY Jets football...but I’m also kind of hoping she will want me to take her to the American Girl store in the not too distant future.


For decades, gender norms have been going through seismic changes, but some traditional tropes are apparently hard to undo.

In the latest study on how parents interact with their daughters and sons, researchers focused on fathers. The researchers coded the types of words and behavior the fathers were having with their toddlers, and they also took brain scans of the dads as they looked at pictures of their children with happy, sad, and neutral facial expressions.

The research found that fathers tended to use more analytical language when speaking with their daughters than when talking to sons. They were more likely to use comparative words, such as "much" and "better," which indicate more complex types of discussions with the girls. With the boys, fathers were more likely to use words related to competition, such as "win" and "top." The fathers also talked about sadness more with the girls than with the boys, and they were more likely to engage in rough physical play with their sons than with their daughters.

That the researchers found gender-based differences wasn't surprising, since previous work, most of it in mothers, found similar differences in how the moms interacted with their daughters and sons. Moms in the study tended to use more emotive language when talking to their daughters compared to their sons, and when they told their girls autobiographical stories, they were richer and fuller of emotional content than the versions they told their sons.

What the latest findings add is that fathers’ brain may also process interactions with their daughters differently than those with their sons. When dads looked at pictures of their children, the brains of fathers with daughters reacted the strongest to their daughters’ happy expressions; the brains of fathers with sons reacted most to their sons’ neutral expressions.

Some hypotheses hold that fathers may choose different ways to educate their daughters and sons about emotions. While they may use language and direct discussions about emotions with their girls, they may chose physical roughhousing as a mode of communication with their boys. Rough play mimics aggressive actions, and requires accurate reading of social cues to determine when the rough and tumble tickling or fighting has gone too far, or if someone is feeling hurt. That requires evaluating other people’s emotional state and determining when the feelings pass the threshold from fun and play to fear and anger.

Future research will also have to address one of the biggest questions to come out of the study: whether the fathers’ different behaviors toward daughters and sons is the result of some biological difference in their reactions about different genders, or whether they are the product of internalized social and cultural norms about how girls and boys should act and behave.

Either way, the results suggest that fathers can perhaps be made more aware of the fact that they are treating their daughters and sons differently. With this knowledge, perhaps they will pay more attention to ways in which their interactions might be more egalitarian. All parents are trying to do the best they can to prepare their kids for the world. Just being aware of the biases we have by virtue of being part of our culture may help us to do a little better in preparing our kids in less biased ways.

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