At Monday's
faculty/staff/trustee breakfast, I referenced the Work Quality Test
that assesses how happy people are at their job. Rank on a scale of 1-10 each
of the three following statements:
• You absolutely love the people you work
with, both the students and the adults
• Your job offers you interesting and
enjoyable challenges and offers new opportunities to make progress
in—and learn about-your field and your profession.
• You know what
your responsibilities are, but you have lots of encouragement
and leeway regarding how you use your talents to fulfill them
For me, those
three statements perfectly capture my experience at Trinity thus far. It's we
fortunate ones who can score close to 30 on those statements. (My hope is that
most of us at Trinity have a score of nearly 30.)
recent article by Bob Marzano lists the following three elements
needed for a satisfying career:
• The work is challenging and it takes hard
work to get better at it
• The work affects others in a positive way
• The workplace gives individuals a degree
of autonomy to express their creativity
is similar to Daniel Pink's thesis of his book Drive: what
motivates people in their jobs--and in their lives--is 1. autonomy
(desire to direct one's own life), 2. mastery (urge to get better at something
that matters) and 3. purpose (yearning to do what one does in service of
something larger and more enduring than oneself).
To me there is
a symbiosis between the environment/culture of where one works and the attitude
one brings to work—hence, work culture is shaped and maintained by the people
in it.
While I am
not a fan of self-help books, the article below was intriguing to me
in that it succinctly consolidates the advice of self-help books
from the past decade.
We benefit
from working in a great environment like Trinity, yet
we are also better teachers when we have a clear sense of who we are and
what motivates and fulfills us---what
psychologist Abraham Maslow calls self-actualization.
So the article
summary below is not about education or educational issues per se, but
advice/dashboard markers about how we can be fulfilled both personally and
professionally. The connection to school is if we are fulfilled personally and
professionally, we are most likely better teachers.
There aren't
any a-ha epiphanies below, yet I do see the value of all us periodically
reflecting on who we are (not just at work but off-duty as well) and how happy
and fulfilled we are.
Enjoy the
What The
Greatest Self-Help Books Of The Last Decades Can Teach You
There are
thousands of books out there brimming with ways to radically improve your life.
Look a little closer, though, and you’ll find that while each author may take a
different approach, the advice they’re giving isn’t as different as you might
In our
journey through the last decades’ most popular self-help books, we noticed
certain similarities emerge and thought, hey, why not condense them and see
what we get?
The result
of that experiment is the following 7 pieces of advice given to everyone
striving to lead a more productive, happier life.
The Big
Picture: Find the “why”
that drives you: A common refrain is to identify early what you want in the
long term: find your mission, or “why,” and allow the “what” and “how” to flow
from there. And if the why you identify comes from a place of intrinsic
meaning, all the better! In his book, Drive, Daniel Pink references an
experiment in which psychologists asked university students about their aims in
life. Some named extrinsic profit targets, like wealth, while others specified
more intrinsic goals, such as personal development or helping others. Years
later, the students with profit goals were no closer to contentment, but those
with intrinsic goals were happier. So start looking for your why now – once you
find it, it will help you organize your tasks, meet meaningful goals, and even
feel happier.
Mastery: To succeed, practice your craft and learn
from others: Knowing what you want to achieve is the first step. Next? Actually
getting things done. But be advised – if you want to stand out, you’ll have to
do quite a lot of things. Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and Robert
Sutton’s Weird Ideas that Work show that most people who are considered
geniuses today actually spent a great deal of time acquiring their skills. The
“10,000 Hour Rule” is a key concept from Gladwell’s book. As Robert Greene says
in Mastery, your main goal in a new field should not be immediate
success or money, but to learn as much as possible. One of the ways to maximize
the time you spend on honing your skills is to find someone in your field to
learn from. Attempting to go it solo, we make preventable mistakes, but a
mentor can show you how to use your resources most effectively.
Innovate: Embrace failure and keep on trying: Successful
people don’t sweat failure, they just keep on trying until they succeed. In
fact, greats like Mozart, Picasso, and Thomas Edison produced many instances of
rather subpar work. Innovation, it would seem, is often born of a long series
of failures. So, how do you stay motivated in the face of challenge? In
herbook, Mindset, Carol Dweck offers a great strategy: adopting a growth
mindset. While a fixed mindset prizes talent and smarts above all, a growth
mindset focuses on learning and improving. By adopting a growth mindset, you
can free yourself from assumptions about intrinsic ability and leave room to
fail big first and succeed spectacularly later.
Focus: Be effective, not efficient, and
declutter: It’s easy to lose your focus to emails or people clamoring for your
help, but spending a lot of time on these tasks is dangerous. You’re better off
being effective – focusing on things that bring you closer to your personal
goals – than efficient and eliminating “urgent” tasks that pop up.
Tim Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Workweek suggests never starting off your day
with email. Another simple tool is one suggested by Leo Babauta in The Power
of Less: MITs, or “Most Important Tasks First.” Before you finish work for
the evening, define the most important task for the next day. It should be
something that can be done in under an hour, and done first. When you’ve
already done the MIT for the day, even if you spend the rest of it in meetings
or answering email, you’ve made important progress.
Positivity: Live in the present and banish negative
thoughts: To err is human; to worry, even more so. In our evolutionary history,
worry and fear were important – they kept us from being snacks for saber tooth
tigers. However, many of us still get mired in fretting about the past or
making negative projections about the future. David J. Schwartz’s The Magic
of Thinking Big suggests edging away from negativity and giving yourself a
pep talk instead – one that reads like an advertisement in which you sell your
best self. Say this commercial out loud in private at least once a day, and
read it silently a few times more. Soon, you’ll believe in yourself so much
that the outside world’s negativity won’t matter.
Cooperation: Think win-win and make a good first
impression: As we evolved, we developed the ability to cooperate: doing so
helped us survive. The Magic of Thinking Big reminds readers that success
frequently depends on others, so treating everyone with respect is good for all
involved. Fair play might reduce your chances of winning, but it will help you
in the long termbecause you’ve collected allies. In How to Win Friends and
Influence People Dale Carnegie counsels that the first step in a successful
cooperation is making a good first impression, so smile and act friendly when
you meet someone new.
needs: Accept your
inherent irrationality and learn to fight it: Human beings are neither robots
nor computers – and as it turns out, we’re not even all that rational. Many
great self-help books put forth the idea of a divided inner self. While your
rational side might be able to make a decision about what’s best for you, such
as quitting cigarettes, eating healthier, or abstaining from social media, the
impetuous irrational self who favors short-term gratification – smokes, booze,
and endless hours on Facebook – can derail you. Set up disincentives for
irrational behavior: If you promise to give 1,000 dollars to Scientology for
every cigarette you smoke, you give your rational side far more power than if
the only motivation is a fleeting New Year’s resolution.
A final
thought: Make small
changes for big results: Most self-help books share this nugget of advice:
change is most lasting when it’s built on small positive habits. Find tweaks
you can make today and you’ll be on your way to building practices that make
for a happier, more productive tomorrow.
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