week’s article summary is The
Five Personality Traits That Make a Better Life.
teachers, we devote so much of our time and attention to our students that we
can neglect to take care of ourselves.
article below focuses on research on the most important personality traits that
support well-being.
Big Five determinants for happiness and satisfaction are as follows:
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
article details five other important qualities:
- Enthusiasm
- Low Withdrawal
- Industriousness
- Compassion
- Intellectual Curiosity.
In some
cases, having little of a quality is preferable: Who really wants to be neurotic?
I read articles like this, I am reminded how lucky I am to have found teaching
as my profession where so many of the key well-being traits are cultural norms
in most schools, especially Trinity!
hope all of you have a fun-filled Thanksgiving Break! Thank you all for
everything you do to make these early education and elementary school years so magical
and rewarding for our students!
Psychology researchers have
time and again identified two personality traits that tend to correlate with
greater well-being.
One is extroversion. The more
extroverted you are, the more likely you are to be happy and satisfied with
your life.
The other is neuroticism. The lower your score in neuroticism, the
higher your overall well-being tends to be.
These findings are based in
what’s known as the Big Five, a widely used model for studying and
understanding five major dimensions of personality: Openness,
Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
A recent study, however, found
five other traits predictive of well being.
Enthusiasm: This is a trait defined by such
phrases as “has a lot of fun” and “laughs a lot,” and so it is not surprising
that the human golden retrievers who score high in enthusiasm would also report
leading more enjoyable lives. This aspect of personality has to do with how you
relate to others: enthusiastic people tend to make friends easily, and they
warm up quickly to others.
Low withdrawal: This is rather inelegantly
named, as it’s primarily defined by what it isn’t. People who are high
in this trait have an uneasy relationship with themselves — they are easily
embarrassed, easily overwhelmed, and easily discouraged.
Industriousness: Industriousness is a side of
conscientiousness, and it’s marked by a tendency toward planning ahead, working
hard, and finishing what you start, without wasting time or getting distracted in the process.
Leave me to my lists; I am
happiest with them.
Compassion: This is an aspect of
agreeableness, and it describes the sort of person who is interested in other
people’s lives and problems, and who likes to do little acts of kindness for loved ones
and strangers alike.
Intellectual curiosity: This is a trait defined by a love of
complex problems, difficult books, and meandering philosophical conversations.
People with intellectual curiosity are quick learners and thinkers, with rich
vocabularies and the capacity to handle high volumes of information at once.
Curiosity about the world around you turns out to predict your happiness within
Well-being does not seem to
depend much on whether or not you are particularly polite or tidy, a finding
that should be heartening for blunt, messy people everywhere. Also not linked
to well-being was volatility.
As you might’ve surmised from
that exclamation point, Kaufman is excited about these “optimistic” new
findings, though he acknowledges this may mostly be his enthusiasm talking.
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