This week's article summary comes from the New York Times.
Building a Better Teacher highlights teacher habits that positively impact student learning.
It's nice to see how the five qualities below connect to Trinity's overarching curriculum goals of deepening learning, personalizing learning, and empowering students.
Enjoy the weekend!
It’s a myth that teaching is an innate talent.
Research shows that the most effective teachers can be extroverts – or they can just as easily be introverts. Some are humorous, but others are serious. Some are as flexible as rubber; others are as rigid as a ruler.
It’s not personality that makes a teacher great, but a specialized body of knowledge that must be learned – and that often goes against what comes naturally.
Here are five teacher actions that have the greatest impact on student learning:
They use students’ mistakes to improve instruction: Researchers have found that teachers who are
best at spotting why a third grader would think that 307 – 168 = 261 are the
most successful at improving students’ math performance. The best teachers put
themselves in their students’ shoes, and grapple with how they arrived at the
wrong answer in order to set them right.
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